We can provide added value to the asset management function within many companies with the preparation of Balance Sheet and Insurance valuations.
Balance Sheet Valuations
Traditional accounting methods very rarely show the true net worth of a company’s assets, usually resulting in the company assets being undervalued. We can utilise our knowledge of individual markets and together with technical information provide a Balance Sheet Valuation, which will show the true value of the Plant and Machinery.
The report, which is issued in accordance with the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors guidelines is recognised by the Financial Reporting Authorities and can be incorporated into audited accounts.
Insurance Valuations
Our Insurance valuation service involves the preparation of Asset Schedules together with advice on the level of insurance cover required. Using a combination of Day One Reinstatement Cost and Indemnity bases we will advise on the correct level of insurance required. Therefore ensuring that over insurance, resulting in increased premiums, or under insurance, resulting in under payment in the event of loss, does not occur.
Should you wish to discuss any aspect of the above service then please do not hesitate to contact us.